Programming Languages
Python - This is my main language, I primarily want to do ML/ Image Analytics so I have skills in libraries such as Numpy, Pytorch, and scikit
Java - I have experience coding in this language from previous projects such as Wordle, but I still primarily enjoy Python.
C++ - This is the main language used to teach at TAMU courses and I have experience with different Data Structures and knowledge of memory management in this language.
HTML/CSS - this website was made from scratch using HTML CSS as well as my personal webpage, so I have some technical experience with this.
SQL - I am currently in the process of building a Web Application using this language and AWS to make a social media application.
Developer Tools
VS Code
Jupyter Notebook
Miscellaneous Skills
Proficient in Spanish
What I Want To Do In the Future
Overall, my interests lies in Image Analytics, Language Recognition, and ML. In the future, I would hope to work on Medical applications or learning software using ML.