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Howdy! This is my technical portfolio!
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Here is a Wordle project I worked on that is built using Java and JavaFX. This project is a clone of the NYT Wordle that has the ability to save game progress as well as guess history.
Here is my personal webpage, I still need to update it from last year but it's a really simple webpage with my contact information that I haven't touched in awhile. Unfortunately, my server is currently down
Unfortunately, I've done some other projects that do not have images, but they are listed here!
- 1. National Household Travel Survey project to determine a household's likelihood to own an electric vehicle a small project was presented to GM to get advice, it can be found here
- 2. Program to classify if a patient has pneumonia and breast cancer using LibAUC, the pseudo research paper can be found here
- 3. Currently working on a social media website that lets friends upload clips of you and link it via Discord.